Taxi Horns for "An American in Paris"

Taxi Horns for "An American in Paris"

(Bulb Horns, Tuned Taxi Horns, Motor Horn, Cor d' Auto, Bocina, Claxon, Hupe, Corno di Automobile, Autohupe, Klaxon, Trompe d'Auto, Clacson)

German made. To see and hear the alternate taxi horn pitches used in the 1929 premiere recording, see our 1929 version

Price/Day $
A4, B4, C5, D5


  • LAPR's taxi horns for Gershwin's "An American in Paris." This set includes pitches A, B, C, & D.

Please note: these are just examples, as playing technique and mallet/stick choices often have a great effect on the timbre.

These sound excerpts, to the best of our knowledge (unless otherwise noted), include this actual instrument from our collection. To hear the instrument yourself, or to let us know of any errors, please contact us.